Y2K Stickers Setcraftlove- 275 Vector Stickers- File with all stickers AI + EPS10 - Each Sticker in PNG/SVG/EPS 1000x1000- 300 DPI- Text not editable (vectorized)$2222usdCommercial License Up to 5k physical or digital end products for saleOne business social media account owned and managed by the licenseeUnlimited physical advertisementsDigital paid advertisements with unlim viewsBroadcast and stream for up to 500k lifetime viewers$3838usdExtended Commercial License Up to 250k physical or digital end products for saleUnlimited business social media accounts owned and managedUnlimited physical adsDigital paid ads with unlimited viewsStream unlim lifetimeOne app, web app, game downloaded up to 250k times222usdBuy this275 Vector StickersSize263 MBAdd to wishlist New wishlistCopy product URL30-day money back guarantee